Montana Labor Market Information

Economy at a Glance Articles

Labor Day Report Summary
September 2024
The Montana economy continued growing steadily in 2023. The state’s labor force reached an all-time high, employment continued to grow, unemployment remained near record lows, and economic production grew across a variety of sectors. This article provides an overview of the annual report provided to the Governor on the status of the Montana economy.
Reservation Economies and Labor Markets in Montana
August 2024
Montana shares geography with seven Indian reservations and eight federally recognized Native nations that represent thirteen Tribes. This article takes an in-depth look at Montana’s reservation economies to broaden understanding of the factors that contribute to different economic trends within reservations.
Young Montanans & the Labor Force
May 2024
Montana’s economy has flourished in recent years. Understanding the diverse array of factors influencing youth labor force participation is crucial for supporting the economic well-being of young Montanans and for meeting the state’s ever-growing workforce needs.
Childcare in Montana
March 2024
Childcare provides critical supports to the Montana economy, allowing parents of young children to participate in the labor force and preparing the future generation of workers through high-quality early childhood education. This article explores the supply and demand for childcare in Montana, as well as the causes and impacts of persistent under supply.
Montana's Healthcare Workforce
January 2024
As Montana’s population has grown and aged, the demands on the state’s healthcare industry have grown as well. This article summarizes the long-run growth in the healthcare workforce and estimates future demand for healthcare workers in the face of a growing and aging population.
Montana's Growing Apprenticeship Landscape
December 2023
A glance at the Montana Registered Apprenticeship Program and its demographics, program participation, and employment outcomes to provide insight to policy makers and program administrators.
2023 Montana Labor Day Report Summary
September 2023
The Montana economy continued its strong expansion in 2022. This article provides an overview of the annual report provided to the Governor on the status of the Montana economy. The full report, entitled is available at
Migration and the Labor Force
July 2023
The state’s population has been growing, particularly in the last few years, as many people have moved to Montana for a better quality of life. This article explores who is moving to Montana and their impact on the state’s labor market.
Montana's Industrious Economy
May 2023
This month’s Economy at a Glance explores different ways each industry contributes to Montana’s diverse and robust economy. Read the full article.
Childcare Supply and Demand in Montana
February 2023

Childcare provides critical support to the Montana economy, allowing parents of young children to participate in the labor force and preparing the future generation of workers through high-quality early childhood education.

Montana's Outdoor Economy
January 2023

This month’s article explores Montana’s outdoor recreation economy: the activities people pursue, the places they recreate, and how recreation has changed over the past two years since the COVID pandemic.

Housing Affordability in Montana
November 2022
Housing prices have been growing over the last several years in Montana and the U.S. Rising costs of housing affects nearly all Montanans. This article explores the rise in Montana's home values.
Montana Labor Day Report 2022: A Summary
September 2022
A summary of our annual economic report to the governor.
The Economic Contribution of Entrepreneurship in Montana
July 2022
This article explores the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship in Montana and the economic contribution of new businesses.
Montana's Got the Goods
May 2022
This month’s article looks at Montana’s international trade relationships in goods-producing sectors.
How Healthy is Montana's Healthcare Industry?
March 2022
An examination of the current state of Montana's healthcare workforce, this article addresses the statewide need for more healthcare professionals.
Can I Get a Side of Workers?
January 2022
A Look at Montana's Labor Force and the Food Service Industry
Recruiting Montana
November 2021
Explores data on job openings and labor turnover to better understand where the state's worker shortage is having the most impact.
Montana Labor Day Report 2021: A Summary
September 2021
Each year on Labor Day, the Montana Department of Labor & Industry issues a report on the Montana economy called the Labor Day Report. This article summarizes this year’s report.
Where are the Workers?
July 2021
Explores the reasons people stay out of the labor force, and how the pandemic has affected worker supply.
More Money, More... Inflation?
June 2021
A Review of Inflation and its Causes.
Who are Montana's Long-Term Unemployed?
May 2021
A discussion of economic research on the long-term unemployed and how it applies across Montana.
2020 Hindsight
March 2021
A Summary of Montana’s Economic Changes in 2020
A Tale of Two Recessions
February 2021
An analysis of the impact of the past two recessions on high and low-wage jobs.
Telework and Non-Telework Occupations
January 2021

Examines the different impacts of the pandemic for teleworkers and non-teleworkers.

December 2020

Out of the Office
December 2020

How a lack of child care has impacted Montana businesses

November 2020

Apprenticeship in Montana and the Growing Demand for Apprenticeable Jobs
November 2020

How Montana’s Registered Apprentice Program continues to evolve with the needs of the economy.

October 2020

Medicaid Expansion and Montana Businesses
October 2020

This article summarizes research on the utilization of Medicaid Expansion for health insurance among Montana’s workforce and employers.

September 2020

Understanding the Unemployment Rate during the COVID-19 Pandemic
September 2020

Explores an array of statistics to gain a fuller understanding of the labor market impacts of COVID-19 and the recovery so far.

August 2020

Montana Job Switching in Good Times and in Bad Times
August 2020

This article examines potential trends in job switching as Montana recovers from the COVID-19 recession.

July 2020

The COVID-19 Recession: Frequently Asked Questions
July 2020

This recession is unique compared with prior downturns, and it has led to several questions. This article answers the most common of these questions.

June 2020

Responding to a Pandemic
June 2020

This article shows the economic impact of the COVID-19 public health crisis and explains the macroeconomic concepts behind these events.

May 2020

Montana's Unemployment Claims
April 2020

Exploring Montana's UI claims to illustrate the early impacts of COVID-19 on the state economy.

April 2020

Entrepreneurship, Business Survival Rates, and Job Creation in Montana
March 2020

How long do new businesses last in Montana?

March 2020

Montana's Reservation Economies
February 2020

An overview of the economic conditions on Montana's seven reservations.

February 2020

What is Montana's Top Industry?
December 2019

How each industry in Montana contributes to the statewide economy.

December 2019

Who Are Montana's Tech-Related Workers?
November 2019

A look at the role tech-related workers play in Montana's economy.

November 2019

Home Under the Big Sky
October 2019

A look at the current state of Montana's Housing Market.

October 2019

Destination Montana
September 2019

Highlighting worker migration's role in Montana’s economy.

September 2019

Jobs of Tomorrow: Montana Job Projections 2018-2028
August 2019

A summary of the 2018-2028 Montana Employment Projections.

August 2019

Anticipating the Next Recession
July 2019

A discussion of the economic indicators economists use to predict recessions.

July 2019

No Workers, No Problem
June 2019

Explores the importance of productivity in helping Montana maintain economic growth while workers are hard to find.

June 2019

Where are the Workers?
May 2019

As businesses struggle to find workers, it is essential to understand why some people choose not to participate in the labor force.

May 2019

Understanding the Childcare Workforce
April 2019

This article explores the employment and wages of childcare workers, who are a critical component in addressing the state’s workforce shortage.

April 2019

Job-to-Job Hires and Separations
March 2019

This article dives under the calm surface of net employment growth to highlight the frequency of underlying job changes.

March 2019

Understanding the Work Lives of the Not-so-Rich and Famous
February 2019

An examination of the work and spending patterns of different income groups in Montana.

February 2019

The Economic Impact of Medicaid in Montana
December 2018

A study examining the number of workers enrolled in Montana Medicaid and the characteristics of the businesses who employ them.

December 2018

The Changing Face of Apprenticeship in Montana
November 2018

Apprenticeship is expanding in Montana, with higher participation and a greater diversity of apprentices.

November 2018

Where Does Wage Growth Come From?
October 2018

An examination of the factors that cause wages to grow in Montana.

October 2018

Childcare in Montana
September 2018

This article explores the availability and affordability of childcare in Montana, and how it affects the state’s workforce.

September 2018

Montana 2018 Labor Day Report in Brief
August 2018

A summary of this year's Labor Day Report, a report to the governor on the current state of Montana's economy.

August 2018

A Rising Tide: Who Experienced Wage Growth in Montana?
June 2018

Does Montana's recent wage growth extend to workers in all income brackets?

June 2018

Is it Time for a Raise?
May 2018

Understanding Montana's Wage Growth since the Great Recession

June 2018

It's Never Too Early to Learn About Careers
April 2018

Career education should begin well before middle school. Montana Career Lab has the resources to help.

April 2018

Montana's Outdoor Economy
March 2018

While economists are still perfecting how to measure the benefits of outdoor recreation in Montana, it is already obvious that it provides large benefits to the state.

March 2018

Montana's Entrepreneurs
February 2018
Because local entrepreneurs are so significant to our economy, it is important to have a better understanding of business start-ups in Montana.
Economic Growth in Rural Montana
December 2017

Education, innovation, and distribution of knowledge can be an effective economic development tool for rural areas.

Montana Employment Growth Outpaces the Nation
November 2017


Which of Montana's industries are outperforming the nation in employment growth?

Does Your College Major Matter in the Workforce?
October 2017

Our study of workforce outcomes finds that a student's major is only one determinate of career success.

Online Job Postings as Economic Data
September 2017

Online job postings can tell us whether employers are hiring, what occupations are in demand, and what skills are needed to fill jobs

Montana College Graduates
June 2017

A summary of the State College Report 2017

Happy on Mondays
May 2017

The importance of Montana's 55-and-over labor force.

What is Inflation and Why do we Care?
April 2017

What is Inflation and Why do we Care?  The answer is not as simple as you think.

Is Small Business Big in Montana?
March 2017


How large a role do small businesses play in Montana’s economy?

The Economic Contribution of Montana's Nonprofits
December 2016

Montana nonprofits provided more than 51,000 jobs and paid over $2.1 billion in wages in 2015

The Nursing Workforce in Montana
November 2016


Nurses play a part in nearly all facets of healthcare delivery, and understanding the characteristics of these workers is essential to predicting future workforce needs.

STEM Jobs in Montana
October 2016

This article reports on the current level of STEM employment in Montana and helps students and job seekers to determine whether STEM is right for them.

Understanding the Unemployment Rate
June 2016

In contrast to more abstract concepts like gross domestic product, personal income, or inflation, the unemployment rate seems very straightforward. But is it really?

The Demographics of Unemployment Insurance Claimants
May 2016

This article explores the demographics of Montana’s UI claimants to gain insights about labor market, industry, and seasonal employment trends

Equal Pay Day
April 2016

This article examines the evidence for the gender wage gap in Montana

The Economics of Rural Health Care
March 2016

This article examines the unique characteristics of health care supply and demand and how they affect Montana’s rural communities